Coppett Hill
Coppett Hill

Latest: Working Parties

Previous Working Parties

Lime Kiln Working Party 22nd Novemer 2017. Many hands! A great turn out and wonderful to see so much support.  Thank you everyone.  

January 2013 clearing the path to the Limekiln January 2013 - work begins on the limekiln path
Arrival with equipment

Sunday 17th Feb 2013 - a perfect sunny day. Volunteers from FOCH and Butterfly Conservation (W.Mids) and Herefordshire Nature Trust joined together to improve the habitat for the Pearl Bordered Fritillary Butterfly. About 30 or 40 in all including about 10 with brushcutters and the rest of us with rakes, we spent morning and afternoon clearing areas of the bracken so that the orchid the butterflies like to breed upon, had a better chance to see the light of day and grow.

cutting and raking the bracken
The furrows cleared in the bracken expose violets - the caterpillar's foodstuff
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© Friends of Coppett Hill, Coppett Hill Trust 2013