Coppett Hill
Coppett Hill

Latest: Monitoring

Butterfly habitat monitoring
Fungal foray 2011

Monitoring of the species on Coppett Hill is the essential tool for getting the management programmes right. This involves both  training and specialist help, where necessary, to supplement the work of  Trust members. 

Current programmes include regular Butterfly transects, Dormouse Monitoring, and Reptile Monitoring. All results feeding into national reporting schemes. Birdboxes are maintained and reported as part of the Herefordshire Nature Trust programme. 

Recent surveys have also included work by the Herefordshire Fungus Society.

Woodland is managed under the Forestry Commission's Woodland Grant Scheme, with specialist input from our Forestry agent

To find out more about the Flora and Fauna click the links below

Mammals, Birds and Butterflies
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© Friends of Coppett Hill, Coppett Hill Trust 2013