Coppett Hill
Coppett Hill

Previous Events

Bat evening - November 2013

  • 2013 - Events for Friends and Trust Members

June 29th Garden Party at The Nursery, Old Forge, Goodrich.  

July 13rd Joint Event with Herefordshire Nature Trust.   A Second Visit to the Courtfield Estate, led by Simon Cutter with expert input from the HNT on dragonflies and damsel flies along the riverside .

Other 2013 Events

8th June Guided walk for the Friends of Herefordshire Museums and Arts linked to their Joshua Cristall Meeting at Goodrich Village Hall

21st  June . Herefordshire Walking Festival  ‘Follies, Ferry and Forgotten Village’ An 8 mile guided walk from Symonds Yat West to Goodrich, via the Chain Ferry and the Wye Valley Walk 

23rd  June.  Herefordshire Walking Festival  ‘Navigation for Walkers’ Practical exercises to show how technology can assist improving navigation / location / recording / analysing routes.( A working GPS or smartphone essential). 


Visit to Courtfield
AONB 'Iron Age Rampage'
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© Friends of Coppett Hill, Coppett Hill Trust 2013